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Our lodge is made up of 4x2 bunk bedrooms (each sleeping 4 people) and one 3x bunk bedroom (sleeping 6 people). Pillows, doona, linen and a towel are supplied for each guest. When you leave, please remove from the bed an place in the laundry bag on your door hook. 



We have two bathrooms, one male and one female with 2 showers, toilets and hand basins in each. There are draws for your toiletries in each bathroom that are labelled to correspond with your room number. 


Kitchen and Living

Our kitchen has dual facilities with one fridge and one freezer for your convenience. Your room number corresponds with your allocated cupboard in the kitchen and shelf in the fridge and freezer. All cooking utensils are provided and cutlery, crockery and glassware for your room is stored in your allocated cupboard. 


Please bring your own tea, milk, coffee, sugar and condiments. 


We have a cosy living room with a dining area with views to Little Buller. We have a selection of games and magazines for your enjoyment. The best thing about Gliss is talking to the other guests about your day on the slopes. 


Our Lodge is about socialisation so we have opted Not to install Entertainment Equipment such as Tv's snd computers.  As a courtesy to others please do not take calls on your mobile phone in the lounge/kitchen area.


Please note that all guests are expected to clean up themselves. Additionally, all guests are allocated a chore to complete at the end of their stay - this keeps the lodge clean and tidy for all :)


  • If you arrive late at night and the Lodge is quiet there may be guests already in bed – please be considerate and keep the noise levels to a minimum.

  • Drying Room
    It is the responsibility of guests to hang up their gear in the Drying room. This is important because it means you will have dry clothes the following day.  This also applies to putting boots on the pegs supplied, if boots are left on the floor, the floor becomes very wet which is very dangerous. Don't forget to close the door.

  • General
    - The inside back door with the code on it must be kept locked at all times.  Please remind your children to close the back door.  We don't want any unwelcome visitors!
    - A
    t the end of your stay at Gliss please Do Not leave groceries in the Fridge / cupboards unless you have already arranged with another member or guest to pass the food onto them, please take your excess groceries home.  Remember, we are in a pristine environment and the more rubbish we leave the less pristine it becomes.

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